$Pages,3 $Title,Puncture Wounds $Page1 $Sounds,STL11,STL12 $SubTitle,Signs To Look For: $Text, Puncture Wounds are small, but deep holes caused by a pin, nail, bite, bullet or any other penetrating object. $Text, Usually cause internal injury, but not heavy external bleeding. $End1 $Page2 $Sounds,IT11,IT12,IT13 $SubTitle, Immediate Treatment: $Text,1. If a serious injury, call for medical help. $Text,2. If bitten by an animal, determine if it was rabid. $Text,3. If bleeding severely, give first aid for bleeding. DO NOT try to clean a major wound, it will increase bleeding. $End2 $Page3 $QT,puncture $QT1,0,3267 $QT2,3267,8467 $QT3,8467,12600 $SubTitle, Immediate Treatment: $Text,4. Rinse a puncture wound with a forceful stream of water. $Text,5. Apply an antiseptic solution, then bandage the hole with gauze until help arrives. $Text,6. When help arrives, be sure the victim is up to date on tetanus immunization. $End3